Showing posts with label employee management application. Show all posts
Showing posts with label employee management application. Show all posts

Monday, 13 July 2015

What is Ontime employee manager solution and what does it offer?

What is that we offer very different from our competitors? This is the tricky question we are asked in the market place. What is our point of differentiation?  That is a very interesting question which presents us an opportunity to sell our solutions and get heard in the noise.
So let's begin what we offer to our customers that no one in the market offer. We have a suite of additional services that helps our users draw more value more than the other applications possibly can.
The application reflects the real time location of the sales persons with the details of the order placed. Placement of the order is instantly visible across the channel. This visibility improves the order fulfilment time and beats the bullwhip effect in the supply chain of your business.

Hardly, the companies will ever run out of stock even without much of a buffer stock. Often the demand forecasting may fail and the entire flow of goods gets disrupted and provides to be inefficient to meet the sudden demand in the market. Analyzing data shared by the product managers reaches days and months after created. This inefficiency real time inventory ends in failure to meet the uprising demand and make no more profits.

Friday, 10 July 2015

Is it okay to track employees in work hours?

Employers have used monitoring devices in hopes of increasing efficiency, address safety concerns, ensure compliance with company policies, protection of employer-owned property; and for customer service purposes.  One such monitoring method is the implementation of global positioning system (“GPS”) devices on equipment, such as vehicles, cellular phones, laptops, IPADs.
Few courts have addressed the issue of GPS tracking in the employment context, although, most have held that employers may use tracking devices on company-owned equipment, where the employee does not have a reasonable expectation of privacy in its use.
In addition to notice and consent, employers should consider whether employees have a reasonable expectation of privacy when using the equipment on which the GPS device is to be attached or installed.  A balance needs to be considered between the employee’s expectation of privacy, the reasonableness of the intrusion upon that privacy (i.e., being tracked by the employer), and the employer’s legitimate business purpose for utilizing the tracking device. These considerations are heightened when the device is attached to an employee’s personal property or to company owned equipment that the employee uses or transports after work hours and the tracking system continues to record such after-hour usage.
Tracking employees during non-work hours can be an invasion of the employee’s privacy, whether the tracking is done via the employer-owned or employee-owned equipment. When the device tracks non-work time, such as during the evenings, weekends, and when the employee is on vacation, the employer may gain private information about an employee that would be considered an invasion into the employee’s personal privacy.  For example, an employer may find out that an employee travels each day after work to a dialysis centre; that the employee has a pattern of visiting gambling facilities; the employee’s travel habits; where and how often the employee shops; the amount of restroom breaks an employee takes during the day; the employee’s eating habits; the employee’s religious service attendance patterns or schedule; etc.  Not only does obtaining and acting upon such information potentially lead to employee claims of an unreasonable invasion of privacy, but could also lead to claims of discrimination or wrongful termination based upon off-duty conduct.
Thus, information collected through GPS monitoring should be focused on an employee’s job performance and disseminated only to employees who have a legitimate business reason for knowing the information. The tracking should be limited to the legitimate business purposes, conducted only during working hours, and provided the company has addressed the employee’s expectation of privacy. Policies should be carefully drafted to explain the legitimate business purpose, circumstances under which monitoring will take place, notice of the company’s right to monitor employee actions while using Company owned property, the GPS monitoring capabilities of the Company-issued property, and that employees should not have an expectation of privacy while using the same.  For employee-owned equipment, employers should have a carefully drafted Bring Your Own Device policy that provides for employee consent for use of the tracking device on the employee’s equipment, and be carefully limited to use only while the employee is working.

Tuesday, 7 July 2015

How does “Ontime employee manager” change the whole business?

It is not in every application that it has all the features that can make a huge difference to the profitability of the company. There are applications which provide either managing data or reports of the employees or just enable the top level managers to manage their subordinates' work reports. It is quite another thing an application makes you able to track the location of your every employee and makes sure that they are there using techniques that have never used before in the corporate.
The Ontime employeemanager uses the GPS technology to generate the details path travelled by the executive on the field.  The black line represents the route with all stoppages of the person. The duration of his halts at some place. If you click on the red bubble, a text box pops up with al the details you possibly want to know about an executive at work.  
The red bubbles scattered all through the track represent the meetings with the New or the existing client. The executive outdoor has to click the pic of a new client's visiting card's photo at the time of  log off and share with the immediate  supervisor or reporting manager.
The visuals on the screenshot are very clear and very simple to understand.  What you can do with this simple application is astonishingly profit friendly exercise. A lot of a time the executives fake the tickets and swindle much more money than the fare on the tickets. Most of times the companies have no clue about the big fat lie, they managed to sell to the accountant. In this scenario, the smartest firms are left with absolute lack of options to identify the counterfeits. 
The solution offers such a great real time monitoring system that enables the managers to look into the truth with confidence. Anybody logged in the system can view his peer/co-worker / team member and have a fair idea about their whereabouts.
A click on any red bubble on the Google map show you the information such as location,  landmark,  the name of  the client, and the time it took the executive to reach there from the previous destination. 

Monday, 6 July 2015

A way to reduce conveyance to half is a simple application, know how it can be done

It is a real cost problem with the company when they waste a lot of their work time when on the field. How would you know that your employee is not sitting at his home for straight three hours watching Ten sport after you sent him outdoor?
Not making sure that the asset you have recruited to grow your business is at its best productivity can drive a company out of business sooner or later. If you are not well informed, let us tell you that half of the companies disappear after a few years of operation.  It is all the game of controlling your cost of operating in the market. It is not only your company that is gearing to compete and looking for an edge, an economic moat to stay in the market. As soon as any one of the companies becomes a low cost company, you will be the next obsolete name in the sea of market.

Before your company becomes a costly operation which sales force and other employees on the field strip value from, a security and surveillance giant Secureye has come up with a solution. It is called On-time employee manager.  An app with very useful features for the businesses of the time. Let's talk a bit about the features.
Shown in the screen shot below is how the app looks like after installed in the mobile phone. There is a long list of the features. There are many sections in it. One of them is self attendance. Your sales person or any one whose job requiring him or her to stay away from the physical attendance machines, can open it and press his or her thumb to mark the attendance remotely.

Like shown in the picture, self attendance is one of the most time saving and economic features. Your employee does not have to drive his vehicle to your office and then drive again to the clients/sites and waste petrol.